"We The People" are united in "The People Union Inc."
"The People Union" is a Non-Profit for "The People" Profit
The founders of “The People Union” organization had “Liberty & Justice for ALL” in mind when they decided to be the voice of the voiceless and turn the talk into actions, “We The People” heard enough! “We The People”, the majority of us, are the hard working man and woman who can’t afford paying their home rent with one fulltime job! We can’t keep up with politicians craftiness nor have the Time & Money to defend ourselves!
It’s time to have our voices heard & obeyed, it’s time to unite and hire “ARMY” of attorneys to turn our majority’s will into “LAW”, it’s time to practice real self-government by creating a secure, trusted and transparent voting platform that listen to us, a platform that can be monitored, video tapped and examined on-demand, a platform that count only VERIFIED CITIZENS.
Through this platform we will tackle every problem we have, brain storm for solutions, vote for best one and our attorneys will do the rest, together we can solve our problems, teach our politicians basic government, Amen? Let’s do it…
IMAGINE all occupations, unionized. Imagine all major industries owned by all workers in that industry. Imagine construction companies owned by construction workers that makes programs like rent to own, that makes you own your home maybe in 10 or 15 years instead of 30 years!
Possibilities are endless together! Get on the flight, don’t miss out!